Why US
100% open access with free access and right to reuse
Promotes diversity (gender, geography & career stage) among authors, reviewers and editors
Transparency and accountability in peer review (​Will publish peer review reports and author responses alongside published articles)
Article-level metrics (where, who & how your research is mentioned)
New business model with cost transparency - APC & Institutional Flat Fee
Supports & signed San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)
Will support FAIR Principles (findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability)
In research evaluation, we support Leiden Manifesto ten principles
Signed and supports UN SDG publishers compact
Participants from 22 different countries have attended our
Thinkershub conferences.
Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | China | Czech Republic | Finland | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Lithuania | Norway | Poland | Saudi Arbia | South Korea | Sweden | Switzerland | Thailand | Turkey | Uganda | United Kingdom | United States of America
Conferences 2023 - 24

Why You Should Attend a Conference
Knowledge Enhancement
Networking Opportunities
Presenting Your Research
Professional Development
Exposure to Diverse Perspectives
Inspiration and Motivation
Stay Updated On New Trends
Open Access Journals
Human Genome Research Journal
Editor in Chief: TBA
Cancer Biology Journal
Editor in Chief: TBA
Biomedical Imaging an
Bioengineering Journal
Editor in Chief: TBA
Nursing Education and
Practice Journal
Editor in Chief: TBA
Green Technology Journal
Editor in Chief: TBA
Robotics Journal
Editor in Chief: TBA
Cancer Treatment Journal
Editor in Chief: TBA
Immune System Biology Journal
Editor in Chief: TBA
Artificial Intelligence
Research Journal
Editor in Chief: TBA
Nanotechnology Journal
Editor in Chief: TBA
Internet of Things (IoT) Journal
Editor in Chief: TBA
Quantum Research Journal
Editor in Chief: TBA
About US
Thinkershub envisions to make cutting-edge research accessible to all. Existing barriers in communication and data-sharing will be diluted to enable faster translation of research findings to valuable products and services. Thinkershub makes this vision possible through open access publishing, global events and news portal.
Past Conferences